The Baha’i laws regarding chastity and marriage have wide ranging implications, and involve far more than abstaining from sexual intercourse outside of a marriage between a man and a woman; it involves using our power of attraction with a clear sense of healthy boundaries.
What is helpful is learning that we are not alone in the struggle to make sense of such things. Also, there are significant differences between male and female sexuality. True respect for each soul’s journey involves being supportive in all instances.
This section will include compilations of authoritative Writings of the Baha’i Faith, as well as commentaries, guidelines, and deepening programs covering the following topics: same sex attraction (including elimination of prejudice, Baha’i laws regarding marriage, spiritual nature of human beings), chastity, gender roles and gender expression, reproduction (including birth control, sterilization, abortion, IVF), courtship, dating, investigation of character, and marriage.
Click the link to view The-Bahai-teachings-and-homosexuality from the website.